Let’s Get this Party Started!

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  • People hire doulas because they want to have continuity of care and a well-informed advocate at their side in case the plan changes, which it almost always does. We are emotional and physical rocks for our families.

    Partners greatly benefit from having a teammate and someone to also prioritize their needs and uplift them into pillars for your birth.

    Randomized trials have found that continuous labor support is linked to lower risk of cesarean, increase in the likelihood of spontaneous vaginal birth, decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience, decrease in the use of pain medications, and shorter labors on average.

  • My services are structured with a base rate of $2,800. Payable in two installments, with the goal of offering access to all birthing individuals from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. I'm open to flexible options, including the Green Bottle sliding scale method, to ensure accessibility for all. You can read more about Green Bottle here. If you are based in San Francisco you can refer to the San Francisco Area Median Income (AMI) index linked here to see what percentage your family falls into.

    Book a Consult to talk more about my current Birth Doula rate and how I can support you securing the funds to hire me.

  • My entry into birth work was inspired by my own birthing experience. It highlighted the gap in knowledge and preparedness my dedicated husband and I faced. I aim to equip partners—be they spouses, grandparents, housemates, or any key supporter—with a deep understanding of the natural birthing process, ensuring they are well-prepared and confident in the birth space.

  • I pride myself in relationship building and effective communication, having supported births across all major Bay Area hospitals, SF Birth Center, and home settings. With each environment comes a unique dynamic with providers, nurses, and anesthesiologists. My deep understanding of birth processes enables me to facilitate decision-making with grace, honesty, humor, and intuition, serving as a bridge between your birth team and healthcare providers.

  • I support inductions, whether medically recommended or unplanned, by educating on the various stages and reasons, often tied to health status and pregnancy progression. My focus is on explaining why an induction may be necessary and what the process entails. I advocate for spontaneous labor whenever possible, promoting holistic and evidence-based self-induction methods around 39-40 weeks. Additionally, I provide guidance on discussing options and preferences with healthcare providers.

  • I recognize the complexity of both planned and unplanned outcomes and how they can be more challenging, both physically and emotionally, than a vaginal delivery. My focus is on destigmatizing cesarean births with thorough preparation, informed education, and dedicated support throughout the delivery and recovery processes.

  • I am Vaccinated, boosted and have had covid twice, as recently as January of 2024. I often mask indoors and in the hospital. My priority is always what will make my clients feel most comfortable. I also work hard to strengthen my immune system year round.


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